Y18 Senses: A sense of design.
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Perhaps Steve Erro of DDSTUDIO said it best:
Y18 has come and gone, and it was yet another inspirational conference to fuel our creativity. This year it wasn’t a veteran design firm showing off, or the young guns with cutting-edge ideas that really stuck with me. Instead, I felt a message bigger than the individual presentations coming through loud and clear: doing what you love–your personal projects–can lead you to better opportunities in your career.

And how true this was. Wayne White talked about how his continued obsession with puppets led to work on Peewee’s Playhouse, an opportunity that was a career changer for him. Brian Singer shared 1,000 journals and other side projects. Eric Thoelke took us on a journey of transformation on how his firm changed the type of work they do. And Josh Higgins proved how design can make an monumental inpact.

We want to say a big thank you to our generous sponsors who help make the Y possible and allow AIGA San Diego foster and encourage powerful design in San Diego and beyond.


See more photos from the Y-Conference

Put March 14 & 15, 2014 down on your calendar for Y19! The Y Planning Committee will be getting underway soon to begin work on Y19. Want to help? You’ll meet fellow creatives and enjoy a big discount on the conference as well. Contact yconference@sandiego.aiga.org

By AIGA San Diego Tijuana
Published April 8, 2013
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