Mentors and mentees showed up to Eureka! hoping to meet their match. There were great conversations going on throughout the evening and both mentees and mentors seemed excited to be a part of this program. In fact one mentee come all the way down from LA to participate!
Mentees (upcoming designers) and mentors (established designers) all applied to be part of the Mentor Match program. Participants were matched up according to interests and areas of expertise. Mentees and their mentors will meet once a month on their own for the next three months.

“We’re really excited for the Mentor match. We had a great turnout at the kick-off event at Eureka!” said Katherine Yee, Mentor Match Chair. “There was a real diversity of interests and design specialties represented by both participating mentees and mentors.”
“Overall, I think this program was a key step in connecting designers within our membership and giving them the platform to build a network,” said Katherine.
This was the kickoff event. Look forward for another possible Mentor Mentee Match in the fall!