Presented in Spanish and English.
In celebration of our Projecting Futures showcase featured in San Diego Design Week and to highlight Hispanic Heritage Month, we caught up with Foi Jiménez.
Foi Jiménez Jurado, aka “Fio Zenjim” is a graphic artist, illustrator and teacher of art, design and illustration. She was born in Mexicali, Baja California and studied Graphic Design at the Universidad Iberoamericana del Noroeste in Tijuana. Foi has ventured into different disciplines with her graphics, such as film, video, theater, puppetry, music, sculpture, installation, animation and fashion.
1. Tell us a little bit about your experience as a graphic artist.
Para mi la busqueda de la estética y la belleza a traves del diseño ha sido un viaje personal profundo que me ha llevado a entender cosas transpersonales del ser humano que solo se pueden entender con símbolos y colores.
For me, the search for aesthetics and beauty through design has been a deep personal journey that has led me to understand transpersonal details of being human that can only be understood through symbols and colors.
2. What was the inspiration behind your work? Where did it come from?
La inspiración de mi trabajo es comunicar cosas con ternura y empatía porque me parece que es una buena manera de conectar con las personas, al final el trabajo de uno es un regalo para el mundo y para ti mismo.
The inspiration of my work is to communicate tenderness and empathy, because it seems to me that it is a good way to connect with people. In the end, one’s work is a gift to the world and to yourself.
3. Why did you want to participate in Projecting Futures?
Porque todo evento que promueva la comunicación y el intercambio cultural en general, son plataformas que como artistas gráficos podemos aprovechar para intercambiar ideas e inspiración, y sobre todo dar a conocer a la comunidad que el diseño también es importante para el desarrollo de las ciudades, educación, mercado, economía, arte y cultura de una ciudad. Necesitamos darle relevancia a nuestra profesión.
Because all events that promote communication — and cultural exchange in general — are platforms that we can take advantage of as graphic artists to exchange ideas and inspiration, and above all make the community know that design is also important for the development of cities, education, a market economy, art and the culture of a city. We need to give relevance to our profession.
4. How are you, as a Mexican designer and supporting inclusiveness and diversity awareness within your industry, circle, life?
No directamente con mi gráfica, pero aprovecho la gente que me sigue en las redes sociales para compartirles mensaje inclusivos del moviento LGTB, movimiento Feminista Mexicano y conceptos de derechos humanos y antiracistas, para ir abriendo mentes, poner el ejemplo a mis estudiantes y hacer discución abierta hacía los temas que a todos nos incumbe. Me gusta ser una persona con filosofía y pensamiento político, porque es la única manera de reclamar mis derechos como mujer. Para ser una persona libre, hay que desarrollar el pensamiento crítico y apoyar causas nobles que nos hagan crecer como sociedad y como nación.
Not directly through my graphics, but I take the opportunity to share with people who follow me on social networks inclusive messages of the LGTB movement, the Mexican Feminist movement and concepts of human rights and anti-racism, to open minds, set an example to my students and have open discussions of issues that concern us all. I like being a philosophical and political thinking person, because it is the only way to claim my rights as a woman. To be a free person, we must develop critical thinking and support noble causes that make us grow as a society and as a nation.
5. Do you believe projecting a positive vision for the future makes a difference in what we are able to achieve as individuals and as a community? Why or why not?
Si lo creo, porque todos los humanos necesitamos proyectarnos una meta o algo para sentir que vamos hacia delante…da una sensación de estabilidad, pertenencia y desarrollo al mismo tiempo.
Yes, I believe it, because all humans need to project a goal or something to feel that we are going forward … it gives a feeling of stability, belonging and development at the same time.
6. Has projecting a vision served you well in your own life? Can you think of any examples?
Si, sobre todo las visiones de largo plazo, que creo que tienen que ver con las cosas que uno elige para desarrollar durante toda su vida.
Yes, especially long-term visions, which I think have to do with the things that one chooses to develop throughout one’s life.
7. What role can something like Projecting Futures play now, at this point in our history?
Es una Buena plataforma que nos da una sensación refrescante para contribuir con nuestras ideas e intensiones a un mejor futuro., se siente bien tener un espacio así, donde tu voz importa y es útil para la comunidad. Y sobre todo que una ciudad hermana te de ese lugar relevante.
It is a good platform that gives us a refreshing sensation to contribute our ideas and intentions for a better future. It feels good to have such a space, where your voice matters and is useful for the community. And above all that a sister city gives us that relevant place.
8. What advice do you have for others who want to create change for themselves but don’t know where to start?
Que se tomen un tiempo para conocerse mas profundamente como personas, y se inspiren de de lo que mas les gusta. “Baby steps para todo”, porque como leí por ahí, lo importante no es el destino, si no el viaje.
Take some time to get to know each other more deeply as people, and be inspired by what you like the most. “Baby steps for everything”, because as I’ve read somewhere, the important thing is not the destination, but the trip.
Thank you Foi for taking the time to chat with us!
Foi Jimenez’s work has been exhibited at Jonathan Levine Gallery (NY), Upper Playground (MX), Giant Robot (SF), Rojo Bermejo (MX) and Pictoplasma (Berlin) and has been published in Fantagraphics Books, Juxtapoz Magazine, 100 years of Graphic Design in Mexico by Editorial Artes de México, Communication Arts Magazine, Pictoplasma Publishing, Vogue Magazine, Nylon Magazine, In Style Magazine, Tierra Adentro and El Fanzine, among others.