Process of Progress

Dave Benton, founder of metajive, a Del Mar-based interactive firm, was a featured speaker in last year’s Y Conference. He organized The Process of Progress to help educate local designers on the hows and whys of creating great interactive work.

Process of Progress - AIGA San Diego

San Diego creatives gathered at The Powerhouse in Del Mar overlooking the water for a special event featuring Todd Purgason, the founder and former creative director of JUXT Interactive. Todd shared work—from the very first website he ever created to one of the last projects with JUXT—an interactive billboard in Times Square driven by Twitter.

Process of Progress - AIGA San Diego

The evening also featured Kevin Russell, Creative Director and Managing Partner at Idiom Interactive who shared on the reasons to wireframe. (Kevin wrote a great blog post based on his talk.)

“So, why do we wireframe?” Kevin asked.  “Because of better product functionality, better client relationships, better internal working environments, and increased business benefits.”

Basically, an engaged client is a better client. Wireframes help remove roadblocks.

Why We Wireframe: Progress of Process from Kevin Russell

Creative technologist Ben Guerrette, creator of the Tangent app, also set up one of his interactive installations, Motion Sketch. The movements of the viewer power what is seen on the screen.

Motion Sketch Teaser from Ben Guerrette on Vimeo.

“I was so excited to see a great turnout from the interactive community,” said Dave Benton. “It was so rewarding to see a broad amount of diversity in the room from designers and user experience to developers and the startup community.  We couldn’t be more excited about helping the interactive community grow by sharing processes that produce groundbreaking, progressive work.”

See more photos here >

By AIGA San Diego Tijuana
Published January 16, 2014
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