Letter from the President

Hello. I’m very excited to be stepping into the role of President for the San Diego chapter. This will be my 16th year as a member and my 12th year of being involved on the board—name the position and I’ve probably held it at one point or another.

This is a turnaround year for AIGA—the new membership pricing structure will help make AIGA accessible for more people.
As a member of AIGA, you’re part of network of more than 22,000 designers in 66 chapters across the country that works together to increase design’s influence and to expand opportunities for designers.

We’re excited for the 2012–2013 year—stay tuned for upcoming events including:
• WordPress Workshops
• Y-Conference
• AIGA Portfolio Review
• The Best of The West Design Competition

This is YOUR AIGA, so we want to make sure we are bringing the most value to your membership. Please submit event ideas so we can work together to make them happen.

I’d like to encourage everyone to get involved. I am available and invite you to reach out directly to me at president@aigasandiego.org

I look forward to a great year.

Bobby Buchanan

By AIGA San Diego Tijuana
Published November 8, 2012
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