Help us plan the next Y Design Conference.
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When we asked our membership if the Y Design Conference should happen every year or every other year, 72% responded, keep it every year!

So come help us make great things happen at the next Y Confereence, March 27 & 28, 2015 by joining the Y Design Conference Planning Committee.

No experience necessary. It’s a great way to meet new people and rub shoulders with your design heroes.

Join the committee.
Let us know if you’re interested at

Have a speaker suggestion?
Suggestions for Y20 Speakers and Thinkshop presenters welcome. Digital Designers, New Media, Traditional Design, Photography, Illustration, 3D, Fine Art and the Environment. Pretty much anybody you’ve seen that kicks ass. Please be sure they have speaking experience and send your suggestions to

By AIGA San Diego Tijuana
Published July 19, 2014