Think your costume is trick-or-treat ready? Think your carving skills can out-do the rest? We have some spooktacular prizes waiting for some scary-good creatives.
Be dressed to impressed and bring a pre-carved or decorated pumpkin to enter our jack-o-lantern contest for a chance to awe everyone with your mad skills and win a sweet prize!
AIGA SD Halloween Bash with a Costume & Pumpkin Contest!
$20 Members, $30 Non-Members
*online registration ends 10/30 at 1 p.m. Door prices increase by $5
*Costumes and pumpkins not required, but are encouraged..
Located in trendy University Heights, Park & Rec is a winsome, indoor/outdoor cocktail bar with plenty of seating, ping-pong, pinball, and a scary amount of networking opportunities to go around.