"I’ll Push You," is the true story of two best friends who embark upon a life-changing journey. Justin Seesuck and lifelong pal Patrick Gray, trekked 500 miles across Northern Spain following the Camino del Santiago trail – Patrick pushing Justin the entire way in his wheelchair. The film crew emota, a San Diego-based video agency, recorded the friends’ journey and created the inspiring documentary "I’ll Push You."
Film Tickets: $14.50 (no refunds)
Meeting Time: 7:15 p.m.
Movie Time: 7:30 p.m.
Please call or text Scott 858.740.9402 in case you run late or have trouble finding us.
Justin Skeesuck is near and dear to the AIGA design community. The Idaho native attended San Diego’s Point Loma Nazarene University before launching a successful design studio that worked with Fortune 500 companies. He contributed his amazing talent creating all the graphics for the Y17 Design Conference. At Y20, he returned as a speaker, inspiring us with his story. We laughed hard and cried harder.
More than a story about an incredible journey made by wheelchair, the documentary "I'll Push You" is about humanity at it’s best. It's a story of love, adventure, friendship, sacrifice, and what it takes to overcome the challenges of life – community.
Justin's story about overcoming life's adversities should be shared. Together, Fathom Events and "I’ll Push You," have partnered with @MDANational to bring this story to the big screen.
Please join us for a one-night event made possible by @FathomEvents and watch this incredible documentary together.