Panel Conversation: Empowering the Women’s Vote

AIGA San Diego is pleased to promote the following community event as we think it may be of interest to our members; this event is not hosted by AIGA.

Are you voting? Have you voted? Can you vote? GATHER invites you to a moderated conversation with graphic designers Arzu Ozkal, Kelly Salchow MacArthur, Nancy Skolos, and Tricia Treacy to talk about their poster designs for the AIGA Get Out the Vote: Empowering the Women’s Vote Project, a national campaign to increase civic participation.

GATHER is an innovative coalition of partners from San Diego’s arts community dedicated to emerging artists, collaboration, and community building. Partners include San Diego State University, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, Bread & Salt, and Art Produce.

When & Where
Wed, Oct 28, 2020 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM