It was an evening of art, friends and wild bidding for a good cause at 3rdSpace, Co-working and Club for the Creative. The event was Art Links Us, the first annual art show and auction for AIGA San Diego LINK, an art outreach program for teens in need.
For the show, some of our favorite designers and artists painted Kidrobot® Munny Dolls and donated them for auction.
“The turnout was greater than we had expected and there was a fun energy to the whole event,” said Gil Lazcano, LINK Chair.
“I was thrilled to be a part of this in support of LINK,” said Munny doll artist Marc Hedges. “It was great seeing the large turnout and some of the bidding wars were epic! What a great platform for the design and art community to give back!”
“Coming off of such a positive event is motivational and inspiring to do even more!” said Gil. “People were already asking about the next one.”
We want to say thanks to all of our sponsors and donors including 3rdSpace, Incase, Art San Diego, Foxhead, Waypoint Public, Subtext, Etnies, Unite, Media Arts Center San Diego,, ArreolaTran Design, Komega, and IDW Publishing.
“It was wonderful to see so many artists and professionals rally around LINK by giving their support and their time to our program. It was a sampling of our community at its best,” said LINK Director Karen Morrison, “This is the start of many great things to come.”

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LINK is an AIGA San Diego program that connects teens in need with artists and creative professionals, encouraging expression, creativity and self-esteem through innovative workshops and educational scholarships. LINK is made possible through the generosity of The Richard and Jean Coyne Family Foundation in an effort to increase diversity in the field of visual communications. Last year, over $10,700 in college scholarships was awarded to deserving graduating students in the AIGA San Diego LINK program.
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