AIGA Student chapters unite for Unite 2014

Every year, the student chapters of AIGA San Diego collaborate to host Unite, an event for students, staffs and professional. This year’s event featured Clive Piercy of air conditioned who urged students to consider that every detail they present says something about them as a designer.

“It was one of the best UNITE events ever! Students from San Diego City College, Point Loma Nazarene, San Diego State and Art Institute worked together to successful plan and execute an exquisite AIGA event,” said AIGA San Diego Education Chair MaeLin Levine. “Clive Piercy was delightful, inspiring and hilarious. The students loved him and educators hung on his every word. This event was quintessential AIGA San Diego, content & quality with heart! I’m proud to be the Education Chair and to work with such talented young designers.

Unite 2014 AIGA event

By AIGA San Diego Tijuana
Published April 1, 2014
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