Several AIGA San Diego board members attended the National AIGA Leadership Retreat in Philadelphia in early June. They came back with some great ideas and inspiration to share with the San Diego chapter.
General board member Micaela Nauman summed up her experience, “As a young designer, it was incredible being surrounded by so many creative, passionate individuals, of all ages and with such a variety of creative backgrounds. It made me realize even more that AIGA is growing to be such a diversely creative organization, and not solely about design, which I believe is so important.”
These are a couple of themes that evolved out of the weekend.
Increasing the role of design as a strategic practice.
It’s a mantra you’ll begin to hear: Head, Heart and Hand, reflecting the interrelated elements of strategy, social impact and the craft of design. AIGA is working on helping businesses realize the benefits of inviting designers in the early stages of creation – whether a new product, software or a space. Design is more than than how things look, it’s about making products, places, and processes more people friendly.
AIGA is also working to give design great visibility. “Outside the design field, AIGA is developing collaborative relationships to expand appreciation of the value of design,” said Laura Coe Wright, chapter treasurer. “AIGA is seeking a leadership position for its members in international design forums and among social entrepreneurs.
AIGA will be celebrating 100 years.
AIGA is celebrating our centennial year. You’ll see advertising in related trade publications that will be another voice in helping get the message out there about the importance of design.
Local chapters are leading the way.
The more than 60 local AIGA chapters are creating great events and initiatives. The national AIGAorganization will facilitate communication between chapters so other chapters can leverage successful events initiated by others.
You can read more about the vision for AIGA here: