A Big Thank You for an Amazing Conference
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We’re just want to say thanks for an amazing 20th Annual AIGA San Diego Y Design Conference. It was an incredible success thanks to the speakers, Thinkshop instructors, sponsors, volunteers, silent auction donors, Progress for loaning the furniture on stage—and you.

As one of our committee members said, “Coming down from a 2-day design binge high is rough.” We agree! But we hope you can walk into your studio or office with a renewed love for your craft. And we hope to see you next year.

If you were really inspired, get on board with the Y Planning Committee. It’s a great way to get involved with the chapter.

(We start planning in just a few short months; email info@sandiego.aiga.org for details.)

Thanks again,
Your Y20 Conference Committee

By AIGA San Diego Tijuana
Published April 10, 2015