AIGA Top 25 Series: How to get started.
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So it’s the beginning of the project. You have the brief. But now what? In honor of the 25th anniversary of our chapter, we asked our members how they begin a new project. Here are their answers. Do you have any to share? Let’s hear it in the comments or tweet us @aigasandiego!

  1. Take a long walk, Scope out the latest Communications Arts, Luerzer’s Archive and Graphis issues
  2. Stumble around in design sites and mags – PRINT, HOW, Desktop Magazine
  3. Go-to Resources: Behance, Pinterest, CMYK
  4. Endless Pinteresting
  5. Sketch, thumb through design books
  6. Running
  7. Blogs, local art shops – Blick Art, Rhino, Visual, Artist & Craftsman
  8. Skim through old sketch/process books
  9. Step away from computer, amble
  10. Pick up vintage design publications
  11. Watch TV mindlessly, clear my head to zone out and focus
  12. Go surf
  13. Read, hike, explore, go somewhere anew
  14. Browse my image library and personal photography
  15. Make a list of words –, a Visual ThinkMap
  16. Watch a favorite movie
  17. Research project/client
  18. Stretch, yoga
  19. Doodle
  20. Explore nature
  21. Draft a few different grid layouts and possible compositions
  22. Start with fundamentals, research competition, find colors and fonts right for project
  23. Instagram
  24. Think, combine
  25. Brainstorm with a few fellow designers
By AIGA San Diego Tijuana
Published November 18, 2014