5 Zero Waste New Year’s Resolutions

In 2014 resolve to give back to your community, ecosystem and even your business!


RETHINK: Be creative – everything is a valuable resource and can be re-marketed, re-made, or restored.


REUSE: Don’t’ through away gift bags save them to be used again. Use paper bags as wrapping paper or why not use reusable shopping bags as gift bags.


REPAIR: Support the environment and your local small business by repairing shoes, vacuum cleaners, computers, printers etc.


REDUCE: Throughout the year reduce the amount of “purchased stuff” you give to others – instead give your time -volunteer with family, spend a day with nieces and nephews, plan a sunset dinner at the beach or park.


RELOVE: Reach out to someone and show them you care! Take something -maybe that coat in the back of the closet that has been forgotten – and share it with someone new!

Inspired by U.S. Zero Waste Business Council by Living Principles Chair Sharon Gonzalez.

By AIGA San Diego Tijuana
Published December 29, 2013
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