So, it’s been a few weeks or months of extra long hours. But at last the project is done. The site is launched. The the project printed perfectly on press. The environmental graphics have been installed. It’s done! In honor of our 25th anniversary as a chapter, AIGA San Diego members shared 25 ways they celebrate the end of a large project.
- Happy Hour!
- Relax.
- A very long weekend of day drinking.
- Have a beer and put my project on Behance
- Start a new one or go shopping.
- A beer, then sleeping in the next day.
- Dinner and a good movie!
- Happy Hour.
- Champagne.
- Wine. What else?
- Fall down.
- Start a new one.
- Putting the paycheck in the bank! Dinner out at my favorite joint.
- Relax! And a Sculpin doesn’t hurt either.
- Sitting in the sun, no Mac, just drinking & breathing
- Sleep!
- Short vacation.
- Relax, breath and take a walk with my wife.
- A great movie, or nice dinner with the team involved.
- Champagne.
- Sleeppppppp.
- Beer.
- A drink with coworkers.
- Cocktails.
- Surf.