We are a bunch of type lovers. We might pay for a movie ticket just to see the credits. Or buy a book just because of the cover (and hopefully what’s inside.) In honor of the 25th anniversary of the San Diego chapter of AIGA, members shared 25 of their favorite fonts. (And a few more.)
- Helvetica
- Nuetraface
- Gotham
- Futura
- Avenir
- Helvetica Light
- Garamond
- Slab
- Gothic
- Museo
- Gluten
- Chalet
- Archer
- Mr. Eaves
- Frutiger
- Chaparral Pro
- Caslon
- Baskerville
- Sentinel
- Mrs. Eaves
- Sabon
- Bodoni
- Ainslie
- Warnock
- Pacella
- Blender
- Geogrotesque
- Canoe