Design for Good is a sustainable movement allowing designers to play a catalytic role through community projects that create positive social impact. By supporting online networks, open dialogues, chapter events, meaningful programs, and national advocacy, we serve as a powerful resource for creatives who wish to be a beacon for leading change. Design for Good includes the following strategic initiatives:

Diversity + Inclusion (D+I)

Encouraging diversity + inclusion within design education, discourse, and practice to strengthen and expand the relevance of design in all areas of society.

Women Lead

Celebrating the achievements of women in design, cultivating awareness of gender-related issues while building knowledge + leadership skills and connecting relationships within and beyond the design industry.

Design for Democracy

Applying design tools + thinking to increase civic participation by making interactions between the U.S. government and its citizens more understandable, efficient and trustworthy.

All initiatives under the Design for Good umbrella give San Diego designers the opportunity to use their talents to make a difference. Become part of our do good community. Contact today!

#designforgood #aigasandiego

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