25 Fonts We Love

We are a bunch of type lovers. We might pay for a movie ticket just to see the credits. Or buy a book just because of the cover (and hopefully what’s inside.) In honor of the 25th anniversary of the San Diego chapter of AIGA, members shared 25 of their favorite fonts. (And a few more.)

  1. Helvetica
  2. Nuetraface
  3. Gotham
  4. Futura
  5. Avenir
  6. Helvetica Light
  7. Garamond
  8. Slab
  9. Gothic
  10. Museo
  11. Gluten
  12. Chalet
  13. Archer
  14. Mr. Eaves
  15. Frutiger
  16. Chaparral Pro
  17. Caslon
  18. Baskerville
  19. Sentinel
  20. Mrs. Eaves
  21. Sabon
  22. Bodoni
  23. Ainslie
  24. Warnock
  25. Pacella
  26. Blender
  27. Geogrotesque
  28. Canoe
By AIGA San Diego Tijuana
Published September 6, 2014
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